OrlandoVacation.com Disney World Blog
First and foremost, make sure you’re taking care to keep the kids safe. This includes having ID cards and / or a copy of their birth certificate, some type of bracelet, sticker, or temporary tattoo that has their name, your name, their diagnosis, and phone number, and seat belt restraints if you’re flying.
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Planning a trip for a large group has many challenges, including finding the best deals. The good news is that we’ve found a few ways your entire group can save big. Check out these four money saving tips for your next group travel vacation.
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Many travelers don’t even consider stopping by Disney World because they worry it isn’t a place they could enjoy alone, or that they’d feel guilty being there without their kids. The reality is that traveling to Disney solo can be the experience of a lifetime.
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Be aware of some of the common scams that take place in the area and you will be able to avoid being taken advantage of.