Attraction Overview:
"The American Adventure" is a theatrical presentation that offers a condensed yet thorough history of America, presented by Audio-Animatronic hosts Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain. The show is known for its impressive special effects, detailed animatronics, and emotionally impactful script. The final montage, "Golden Dream," is particularly moving and often evokes a strong emotional response from viewers.
Attraction Review by Age Group:
Ages 2-4: Young children with short attention spans might get bored.
Ages 5-10: Most kids should find the special effects and animatronic figures fascinating enough to avoid getting bored.
Ages 11-15: Pre-teens and teens might find it educational, similar to a school lesson.
Ages 16-Adult: Adults will appreciate the break indoors with air conditioning and the educational content.
Senior Citizens: Many seniors consider this to be an interesting and engaging attraction.
When to Visit:
This attraction never has a line and is great to visit in the middle of the day to get out of the heat. Arrive early and catch the fantastic Voices of Liberty show, which features an amazing singing group performing American classics a cappella style.
Trivia and Additional Information
Disney World Facts: Watch the presentation carefully and you might notice that the art styles are in keeping with the times depicted. For example, the show begins with paintings from the 1700s but progresses to film in the 1910s.
The sets used in the show are as historically accurate as possible, even down to the red color of gas in the Depression scene.
The "Golden Dream" montage has been amended twice since the 1982 opening.
"The American Adventure" offers a unique blend of education, entertainment, and impressive technical effects, making it a must-see attraction for visitors of all ages.