4 Tips for Single Parents Traveling With Kids
Traveling alone with the kids is a great way to get some serious bonding time in – but it can be a bit frustrating if everything doesn’t go as planned. The best remedy is to follow these simple tips that will keep everyone in great spirits the entire time – and give you the peace of mind that you’ve done your due diligence in planning.
Make sure the kids have your cell number written down on them somewhere. Set up a place to meet every day in the event you get separated, and make sure you educate them on appropriate people to approach in an emergency, i.e. employees of a theme park you’re visit, police, security, etc.
1. Create an itinerary
You may be tempted to simply wing it and see where the trip takes you, but the reality is that an itinerary can be incredibly helpful and help keep everyone on track. You can have a very detailed itinerary that details everything you’ll do each day of your trip, from the meals to nap times to activities, or you can have a more informal itinerary that has a loose plan on the basic things you’ll do each way. Either way, having some kind of plan to follow will take out much of the stress of your trip.2. Have an emergency plan
Do your kids know what to do if you get separated? If your kids aren’t old enough to have their own cell phones then you should have a specific plan set up so they’ll know exactly what to do in the event of an emergency. Even if they do have a cell phone, you still run the risk of being out of cell range, having a drained battery, or simply losing their phone.Make sure the kids have your cell number written down on them somewhere. Set up a place to meet every day in the event you get separated, and make sure you educate them on appropriate people to approach in an emergency, i.e. employees of a theme park you’re visit, police, security, etc.